Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Welcome and thanks for visiting!

We live on 20 acres in rural Farmington, MO.  We desire to raise our own food and share our abundance with others.
We believe that, as Christians, we are called to look different from the world.  This applies to all areas of our lives.  Even the food we eat. 
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.   Romans 12:2
We believe that Satan looks for ways to destroy our faith as well as our bodies.  If we are not healthy or if we are consumed by our own illnesses or problems, then we will not be available to help others the way God calls us to. 
Today, most people are several generations removed from their food sources.  However, it is encouraging that there seems to be a movement starting that is shedding light on much of the food we eat.  Most people today would agree that processed foods are not good for us.  Most people know eating fast-food is not good for us.  But many are still unaware of how food in the grocery stores is grown or prepared.
The American desire for convenience and our very busy lives can keep us from eating in a way that prevents disease.  Of course we live in a fallen world so we will always battle some illness.  However, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!  Our world seems much more focused on “cures” rather than “prevention.”  For some it may seem much easier to rush the children from one activity to another and then stop at a fast-food restaurant, than it is to return to the kitchen with our families and make home-cooked meal. 
Many don’t see the outward signs of sickness in their families so they don't move toward a healthy lifestyle until a crisis happens.  It is actually because of our daughter’s illness that we began our journey to better food. We are living proof that God can take what was intended for bad, and use it for good!
We are now finding the joy of returning to the kitchen.  Instead of running the children here and there, we spend more time together learning to raise food, cook and we are enjoying serving and hospitality.  And it’s about more than just food.  It is working together in the kitchen, spending time with each other and learning new skills for life.  We are not perfect, but it is our desire to honor God, educate ourselves on healthy food, and then share that information with others.  (Yes, we still crave some stuff that is bad for us. The lust of the flesh!)
Besides food and farm....  We purpose to tell others what Jesus has done for us and what He can do for them.  We are also passionate about encouraging families to be strong in the Lord and to love one another.  It is God who has has called us to this place and we endeavor to shine His light any way we can.
We thank Him for all we’ve been able to do thus far and look forward to serving our fellow Christians and our community as He allows!
Thanks for stopping by!

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