Tuesday, September 24, 2013

About Us

Welcome to our farm!

How did we go from city life to farming?

The short version:
We are a family of four, my husband and I are nearing 50.  We have two pre-teens and have always lived in a city.  When health issues for one of our children was identified, we began learning a lot about the food we ate and how that was impacting her.  We longed for a healthier lifestyle and the Lord directed us to the country.

We purpose to live debt-free, so we saved for years in order to purchase land and a home.
We have now moved out to rural Missouri, having only book-knowledge of how to farm in unconventional ways.  We have a lot to learn, so my husband is keeping his day job.  We are loving the idea of real food, family-integrated work and a life that is a bit slower! 

We have read every one of Joel Salatin's books - 3 times!  We are grateful for his amazing guidance on all issues of healthy farming practices.

The extended version:
I've heard many people say they dream of giving it all up and moving to the country. Few people actually do it, but we did!
Here's how it happened.
Around 2009, our daughter was incorrectly diagnosed with epilepsy.  Immediately we were told she must have anti-seizure meds and that they "definitely would not cause her any harm."  The anti-seizure meds stopped the symptoms only briefly and not completely.  As we studied and learned more, we found that these meds have many terrible side effects such as calcium deficiency and that they are very addictive.  Once on them, it is difficult to wean a person off of them.
God intervened.  He moved us from Minnesota to Missouri and the adventure began.  As we sought out other neurologists and started insisting that we did not want to keep adding to her cocktail of medicines.  Finally, one neurologist did some research and diagnosed her with Jeavon's Syndrome.  He then told us that no anti-seizure meds have been shown to help with this syndrome - yet he still encouraged us to give them to her.  Nope, that wasn't what we would do.
After doing much of my own research I learned about the Gut and Psychology Syndrome and a neurologist named Dr. Natasha McBride.  I also met three other moms who were battling the same symptoms my daughter was experiencing.  These three moms healed their children ... with food, not meds!  I found through my own research and the help of these moms, that my daughter has what is called "Sunflower Syndrome."  While I am not recommending that anyone ignore assistance from doctors, I AM suggesting that the food we eat makes a difference.  A big difference!
So off we went to eating a better way.  It was extreme.  It was hard.  It was totally against the norm.  Nothing that could be put in a box, jar or package could be eaten.  No processed foods.  It was like living as Laura Ingalls, except with a food processor and central heat.

It didn't take long for me to realize that nearly all of our "food" today is processed in some way!  I started making my own ketchup, mayonnaise, yogurt, etc.  We went for a long time without eating out because no restaurant food was safe for my daughter.  We were working on healing her from the inside out.
While we aren't as strict now, we have learned so much in this process.  God really did "turn it all to good" for us!
A Calling
We now realize just how few options there are for many when it comes to getting real food on the table.  We long to provide that for ourselves and someday, God-willing, provide it to other families as well!
Rather than complain about the poor food quality and the decline in America's health, we want to DO something about it. 
So we are starting our own farm where we hope to raise dairy cows, meat chickens, laying hens, pigs and cows.  We want to raise them in a sustainable, healthy way - improving the life and health of the animals, the land, and the people.
We hope to also provide information about how God intended these animals to be raised and share recipes and other ideas for thrifty, good and healing food!
Welcome to the farm!
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105

Thank you for visiting!

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