Sunday, July 13, 2014

Amendment 1: Right To Farm in Missouri

There are many important amendments on the Missouri ballot this August, I pray you will all be informed and be sure to vote.  Many times amendments are purposely put on the ballot during the primary due to the low turn-out rate of voters.  Please keep up to date and be sure to share your vote!
My family just started farming this year, we have 20 acres in Farmington.  I attend the local farmer's market each week and talk to others like me who each have 10 - 40 acre farms. 

I was once ready to vote yes on this amendment but then I started to research more and I’ve started to change my mind.  The amendment is worded very vaguely as is the case for many amendments.  So typically if something isn’t worded well, and I'm unable to attain understandable facts, then I vote NO just to send it back to the drawing board to be better worded. 
Making an amendment to the constitution is a big deal – we should be able to word it more specifically!

I try hard to take each issue and research both sides – for and against – before making a judgment.  Also, I want to honor my fellow homeschooling Christians as I share what I’ve learned.  I pray I do a good job of that.  I know we all want what is best for our children and our grandchildren.  With that, here is what I’ll share.

I’ve now read the amendment many times and read over 20 articles on both sides of the debate and I’m planning on a NO vote.  I’m still open to hear arguments that hold details and facts.  But I wanted to at least share another perspective and see what others have to say as well.  Since I’m leaning towards a “NO” vote, I’ll be fair and post information I read in an article that is actually supporting a YES vote.  It is at the link below.

In this article, which is in support of a YES vote, it says this:

As one example, Hurst cites a case in Hawaii where a local government outlawed the growing of genetically modified crops.

What this says to me is that they don’t want anyone to be able to complain or put a stop to their Genetically Modified crops.  So if they move in next door to my 20 acres, or upstream from me, and they pollute my land or water with their pesticides, insecticides and herbicides – I have no recourse.  This protects the big farms, but not the small ones like ours.  Shouldn't a local government and it's citizens be able to make this choice or fight against it?  I know I would want to.

It then goes on to say:

 “We believe in the rights of livestock producers to operate their farms in a manner that promotes good animal health and production, and for crop farmers to use the latest technology in a responsible manner without outside influence,”

My question is, if you are “promoting good animal health” then why would you need protection?  These big farmers with their pig operations (as an example) are not promoting good health, they are covering it up with loads of antibiotics. On the other hand, our chickens live a very good life, a healthy life, which means healthy eggs and meat for us and our community.  Therefore, I do not need protection from such a law since I am not polluting the land or the animals.

We have friends in Iowa with 10 children, who run a 600 acre farm.  They tell me that Iowa operates under a similar amendment or law, and as a result their streams and rivers are some of the most polluted in the country.  This is because there is so much manure that the only place these factory farms have to put it is into the streams and rivers.  And they want to avoid being held accountable to that in the event that we consumers object.

This article also uses the term “latest technology”  and that translated means more factory farms and more GMO foods, which science now tells us how dangerous they are.  In fact, 90+% of all our corn in Missouri is GMO.  Other countries have outlawed GMOs so our GMO corn has to be sold in America only.  That seems to say that they need protection because if Americans reject this GMO corn (or soybeans or other crops) then they will have lost a lot of money.  (Read more about GMO foods here:

Lastly, the article says this:

Oetting thinks the battle for public support for agriculture should continue beyond the August election. “Today, most Americans are three to five generations removed from the farm,” she said. “They don’t understand that science and technology have taken agriculture into the 21st century, as with all business and industry. Farmers have fallen short by not communicating how new production methods help us to be good stewards in caring for the land and our animals.”

On the first point I agree - most Americans are far removed from the farm.  However, I suspect the big farm operations want to keep it that way.  Have you ever tried to call up Tyson chicken and ask for a tour of their facility?  I don't think they would be pleased to show you around.  On the contrary, small farmers love visitors and have nothing to hide!
On the second point he makes, he is saying that the average American is not-so-smart and doesn’t understand all their "technology".  The technology they refer to is factory farm technology and GM crop technology.(aka: pesticides, herbicides, etc.)  The same companies who make the GM seeds, also make all the sprays that these seeds are supposedly resistant to.  Therefore, the farmers who buy them spray even more heavily now than years ago.

I have personally been inside a Pork factory farm (by special invitation of a family friend who owned it) and I can tell you there is nothing about it that is caring for land or animals or those of us to eat the meat.  In fact, they wouldn’t allow me to bring a camera into the building and I can see why.  Our family didn’t eat pork for 5 years just because the smell alone was so bad that we couldn’t get it out of our memory for years.  Until we moved to Missouri and found a farmer who raises his pigs outdoors, then we started eating pork again.
Now don't these pigs look happy?  No activist can complain about a well-cared-for pig
and well cared for land!
Photo Credit: Salatin Family

I think it is wise to have in place the laws we currently have and not outlandish lawsuits and animal rights activists getting carried away.  But we already have laws here for that.  We already have a right to farm.  But we also need to be good stewards of our land as God instructs - and having an amendment like this would take things to the constitutional level and make it very difficult to hold any factory farm accountable for any wrong doings. 

So that is why I have changed my vote to “no” on this amendment.

Whether this amendment passes or not, we can all at peace knowing that ultimately God is in control.  The duty is ours to be informed and to vote, but the results are Gods!

Thanks for reading, blessings,



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