Saturday, October 18, 2014

Healthy Tomato Avacado Soup

If we did what we should, we'd be drinking broth with every meal.  The health benefits are amazing and this is the perfect time of year to make and drink more broth.  But if drinking broth is hard to do, then getting more soups into the family is another way to take in more of this essential food.

We'd found that a good, homemade broth is more powerful than any medicine, if eaten regularly.

This Tomato Avocado Soup is something I've worked on "tweaking" for about 1 year and we all love it.  Even my son who generally doesn't like any soup, says this one is okay with him.  I'm not a fan of tomato soup normally, but this one I love.  Fall is the perfect time to try it and it freezes well too, so you can save some jars in the freezer.

Here is a good recipe for bone broth to get you started: How to Make Bone Broth

There are many ways to make broth - and it's important it is homemade rather than bought in a can at the store.  It's easy to do and inexpensive, so there is no reason to purchase broth!



1 jar of tomato paste (I purchase glass jars instead of the cans from our local co-op.)
1/2 yellow onion (chopped roughly)
2 Tablespoons organic butter
3-4 cups homemade chicken stock
2 garlic cloves
1 heaping teaspoon chili powder
1 heaping teaspoon basil (a little less is needed if it is homegrown)
1 heaping teaspoon oregano
3 t. Celtic Sea Salt
1 small avocado
1 lime

  1. Heat butter and chopped onion in large saucepan.  Add onion and sauté until softened, about 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add garlic and sauté for another minute.
  3. Add chicken broth, tomato paste, salt, chili powder, basil, and oregano.  Simmer mixture for 15-20 minutes to allow flavors to mix.
  4. Remove from heat and set aside.
  5. Prepare a blender by adding 1/2 the avocado and 1 T. of juice from lime.  Pour in about 1/2 the mixture (I blend 1/2 at a time because that is what my blender holds easily).  Careful not to burn yourself, the soup is hot at this point.  Blend or pulse until onions are completely blended - soup will be slightly thicker now.
  6. Pour blended mixture into a new pot on stove and set on simmer. 
  7. Pour remaining 1/2 of unblended soup into blender along with the other 1/2 of the avocado and 1 T of lime juice.  Blend or pulse.
  8. Add all soup to the new pot and set on simmer for 5-10 minutes. 

Served hot with grain free, grilled cheese (from raw milk) sandwiches is our favorite.

You can also pour into mason jars, leaving some space at the top, and freeze for use at a later date.

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